How to install Windows on a Mac with Boot Camp Assistant
If you need to run Windows-only applications but you only have a Mac computer, Bootcamp will allow you to run Windows 10 on your Mac. Bootcamp is free for FIT students and $14.99 for Faculty and Staff.
Minimum Requirements:
How to find the age of your Mac
Find the age of your Mac to determine which Installation Instructions to follow.
Installation Instructions
Install Bootcamp and Windows 10 on a 2015 Mac or newer
Student instructions on how to install Bootcamp and Windows 10 on a 2015 Mac or newer.
Install Bootcamp and Windows 10 on a Mac older that 2015
Student instructions on how to install Bootcamp and Windows 10 on a Mac older than 2015
Tech Tip
The Bootcamp and Windows 10 installation does not delete or move any of your existing files, folders, applications on your Mac. However, it is good practice to have a backup of all files that are important to you.
Your FIT Google Drive is a great location for backup files.
Additional Help
Please contact TechHelp by opening a ticket at