macOS High Sierra Security Threat
What happened?
A security flaw in the macOS High Sierra allowing attackers to bypass administrator authentication without supplying a password was discovered Tuesday, November 28 and a patch released by Apple on November 29.
How does it impact the FIT community?
Campus computers, including office, classroom and lab computers are not impacted by this threat as they are running earlier macOS versions.
What can you do to protect yourself?
If you were provided an FIT mac computer and granted administrative rights and chose to upgrade to High Sierra or are running High Sierra on your personal computer you should apply the latest updates as soon as possible. Go to the App Store and update to allow the Security Update 2017-001 to be applied.
Where can you get more information?
Apple Inc.
About Cybersafe
The Division of Information Technology is dedicated to informing the community of the latest cybersecurity threats. Visit and stay tuned for emails from [email protected] for the latest from the Cybersafe campaign at FIT.
Be aware—and be cybersafe!
Questions? Comments? Email [email protected] or call 212 217.HELP (4357).