What Computer Should I Buy?
Computer Recommendations
We suggest students buy a Mac or Windows computer based on the requirements of their major and personal preferences. Please contact your major department for information about major requirements.
The Division of Information Technology recommends all computers have the following minimum requirements when you buy a computer:
- At least 8G of RAM (*students using Creative Suite or other graphics-based programs may require more)
- At least 120G of Hard Drive
- An Intel-Dual Core Processor
Degree students all receive a Google Apps for Education account that includes unlimited cloud storage that can be used for storing and backing up files.
Additional Recommendation:
- We recommend that dorm students bring an ethernet cord, so they may connect to the wired network during wireless maintenance times. Keep in mind that many new computers do not have an ethernet port and an adapter will need to be purchased to use a wired connection.
Student Discounts
Please check the FIT Associated Stores for student discounts.
To access:
- Log in to MyFIT

- Go to the Web Resources page

- Find the FIT Associated Stores Channel for links for software, hardware, and other technology discounts.