CISO Update
Stay up-to-date on the most important cybersecurity news and information.
Enter your email address to sign-up for the monthly cybersecurity newsletter written by FIT’s Chief Information Security Officer to receive great tips and advice on how to stay safe in an ever-changing digital landscape.
Read past newsletters here:
January 2025: SEO Poisoning: A Sneaky Cyberthreat
November 2024: Avoid TSO PreCheck Scams this Holiday Season
October 2024: National Cybersecurity Awareness Month: A Renewed Call to Action
September 2024: Cyber Extortion Scams with Google Images
August 2024: Beware of AI Generated Fake Etsy Products
July 2024: How Hackers and Making the Most of the CrowdStrike Outage and Its Aftermath
June 2024: Apple and Google Join Forces to Fight Unwanted Tracking with Bluetooth
May 2024: BougsBazaar Online Scam Targets Fashion Consumers
April 2024: Don’t Get Tolled By Text!
March 2024: SIM Swapping is Back but Justice Prevails
February 2024: Beware of these Phishing scams this Tax Season
December 2023: Beware of Gift Card Draining this Holiday Season
October 2023:FIT Updates in Celebration of National Cybersecurity Awareness Month
September 2023: Fraudulent Versions of ChatGTP Come to the Dark Web
July 2023: Al Generated Malware
June 2023: Smashing Pumpkins’ Songs Held for Ransom
April 2023: Beware of Juice Jacking
March 2023: Business Email Compromise Are a Critical Threat
January 2023: State of Ransomware in Higher Education
December 2022: What is Chat GPT
November 2022: Shoppers Beware of Scammers This Holiday Season
October 2022: The Internet of Spooky Things
September 2022: A Future without Passwords
August 2022: Changing of the Guard
July 2022: Weaponized Hot Tubs, Part II
June 2002: The IoT, Once Again
May 2022: The Evolution of Hacking as a Business
Aril 2022: Fakecalls’ Banking Trojan
March 2022: Critical Infrastructure Meets IoT
February 2022: Zelle Smishing
January 2022: Nefarious Use of Bluetooth Tracker Fobs
December 2021: The Role of Cybersecurity in Cream Cheese
November 2021: Amazon One
October 2021: Apple Pay Security Flaw
September 2021: Fake Vax Cards
August 2021: Weaponized eBooks
July 2021: Why Do These Hacks Keep Happening?
June 2021: Beware of Smishing
May 2021: LinkedIn Fake Profile Scam
April 2021: Malware as a Service
March 2021: Hosting Online Meetings Safely
February 2021: Keep Your Devices Updated
January 2021: A New Year in Cybersecurity
December 2020: Quite and End to Quite a Year
November 2020: Don’t Touch That Phish
October 2020: October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month
September 2020: Working Safely from Home (Continued)
August 2020: Working Safely from Home
July 2020: TikTok Makes News Headlines Over Supposed Security Flaws
June 2020: Its On the Internet So It Must Be True
May 2020: Stay Safe at Home
April 2020: How Phish Multiply
February 2020: How the Corona Virus is Spreading to Computers
January 2020: The Accelerating Pace of Cyberthreats
December 2019: Juice Jacking
November 2019: Are You Ready for the Holiday Season? Scammers Certainly Are
October 2019: Cyber Civility and Cyber Security: Two sides of the same coin
September 2019: Healthy Skepticism
August 2019: Passwords Revisited
July 2019: The Current State Ransomware
June 2019: Malware Hidden in Apps
May 2019: When the People Who Protect Us Get Hacked
April 2019: Why Cybersecurity Matters to FIT
March 2019: Progress in the Internet of Things
February 2019: Tax Scams
January 2019: Mistaken Alexa and Weaponized Hot Tubs
December 2018: Location Services
November 2018: DeepFakes
October 2018: Free Coffee
September 2018: SIM Swap Attacks
August 2018: Clickbait
July 2018: This is Not a Drive-By
June 2018: Mabna
May 2018: The Internet of Things (part 2)
April 2018: The Internet of Things