Click on the “Sign in to your account” button in the “Adobe login change for FASHION INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY.” email
Click on the “Get Started” button in the “Access is granted. Enjoy All Apps now.” email
Go to
Enter your FIT email address and click the “Continue” button.
If you are not presented with the sign-in screen below, click on Sign in on the top right of the page.
If you were automatically signed in to your Adobe Home-Use account, sign out. Then click on Sign in on the top right of the page. Then enter your FIT email address and click the “Continue” button.
You will be directed to “Select an account”. YOU MUST Click “Company or School Account”
IMPORTANT: The email and password you used to create your Adobe Home-Use account are no longer under the FIT Licensing Agreement with Adobe.
You will still be able to access your home-use account when you select “Personal Account.”
You may get the message “Your subscription has ended” if you continue to sign in with your Adobe Home-Use credentials.
You will be directed an FIT screen to verify your FIT username and password. Enter your FIT username and password, then click “Sign In.”
You will be presented with an Asset Migration window giving you the option to migrate your content to the Enterprise Account.
Select the option best for you:
“Yes, I want Adobe to migrate my content.”
“No, I want to move my content manually later.”
Then click the “Continue” button.
We recommend you choose “Yes, I want Adobe to migrate my content.” and as the documents and saved content should be related to your work at FIT.
If you chose, “Yes, I want Adobe to migrate my content.” It may take a few minutes for your content to be migrated.
You will now have an Adobe for Enterprise account using your FIT email and password.
The email and password you used to create your Adobe Home-Use account will be converted to a “Creative Cloud Free Membership” account. If you used your FIT email for the creation of your Adobe Home-Use account you will still be able to access an Enterprise account following the instructions above.
Note: When you access apps previously downloaded to your device using your home-use account you may be asked to reauthenticate (sign in) to validate your Enterprise License.
Learn how to present information while still being able to see your meeting participants.
Watch the video options below or follow the step-by-step instructions for Windows or Mac in the tabs below.
How to Split Screen Google Meet
- Join a Google Meet
- Open the content you are going to present in another tab.
- If you are in full-screen mode, “Restore Down” icon in the upper right-hand corner of your browser window to exit full-screen mode
(Full-Screen Mode)
(Normal mode)
- Separate the tab you are presenting from your Google Meet tab by clicking on the Google Meet Tab and dragging it away from the other tab until you have two separate windows.
- Choose the program window that you want to snap to one side of the screen. Click on its title bar and drag it to one side of the display until the mouse pointer touches the edge. You will see a light outline of where the window will appear on the screen. Release the mouse button.
- The window should now be snapped to the side of the screen, and you should see all the other open programs appear on the opposite side of the screen.
- Click one of the other program windows. It will snap to the other side of the screen, so you’ll have two windows side-by-side.
- By default, the windows will be split evenly on your screen. You can adjust that by putting the mouse between the windows – you should see the pointer turn into a two-headed arrow – and then clicking and dragging to change the width of the windows.
- In the bottom-right corner of your Google Meet Screen, select Present now.
- Select “A Chrome tab.”
- Select the content you want to share.
- Select Share.
- To view the Participants, Click on the people icon in your Google Meet window.
- To view the Chat Panel, click on the chat icon in your Google Meet Window.
How to present multiple tabs
- Follow steps 1-6
- Select “A Window”.
- Select the window with the content you want to share.
- Select Share.
- Follow steps 8-11
Log into your Google Account
Go to the My Account Page (
Click on Device Activity and Notification
Under recently used devices click Review Devices
From the list find the lost or stolen phone or device and click “remove”
When you are finished working on your FIT Remote Labs computer or your class session is over. You must sign out properly, or you may prevent other students from accessing the computer. Do not just close the tabs, you must sign out following the instructions below.
For Windows:
To sign out, go to the windows menu icon, scroll to the profile icon (person silhouette), and select “Sign out”.
Tech Tip: make sure you are selecting the sign out option on the FIT Remote Labs computer and not your home computer.
If you have not timed out of the “Leostream” tab, return to the “Leostream” tab and click on the sign out icon next to your name.
Go to the Website:
- Enter your FIT Username
- Enter your FIT Password
- Click the “Sign in” button
First time logging in?
The Division of Information Technology does not send your login information. Find out how you are sent your login details in the Self-Service Article, “What are my username and default password?”.
1. Go to or you can go directly to the app you wish to access;,,, etc.
2. Click on the “Sign in” button in the upper right corner of the Google homepage.
If you do not see the “Sign in” button then you may already be signed in with another Gmail account; follow the How to log in to more than one Gmail account instructions or sign out of that account and sign back in with your FIT account.
3. Type your FIT email address and FIT password into the fields, Click “Sign in”
You must type your email address not your username
4. If you are accessing a new computer or recently changed your password you will need to verify with your 2-Step Verification option to log in.
5. Open the Apps launcher by clicking the grid of nine little dots in the top-right corner of most Google pages near your profile photo.
Related Policies
Supported Browsers
FIT Remote Labs, powered by Leostream is compatible with most up-to-date browsers including Google Chrome, Firefox Safari, and Edge.
Sign in to FIT Remote Labs
Go to
Sign in with your FIT username and password
Click the “Sign in” button
Duo Two-Factor Authentication
FIT Remote Labs Resources
Once you sign in and complete the two-factor authentication with Duo, you will have access to the FIT Remote Lab resources based on your role and classes. For example, if you are a student you will have access to Computer Commons Computers, if you are faculty you will have access to CET Computers.
Tech Tip: You may minimize the Message Board displayed near the top of the page by clicking on the arrow (⌄).
Available computers will show in green with a Rocket Ship icon. Click on the Rocket Ship icon to launch a connection to a computer.
Only connect to Classroom computers during the date and time of your course, the scheduled time you’d be in that room if the course was held in-person. If you are scheduled into the same room for multiple courses, you will only see one selection for that room.
Note: You do not have to connect to a computer with the same operating system as you are using (Macs can connect to “PC”).
Tech Tips
The Computer Commons computers will display as “Common Lab”.
The Computer Commons, rooms CC15, and CC15A are available for remote access for all current FIT students except during maintenance windows.
A new browser tab will open and the connection should begin loading.
Just like if you were at a computer on campus it may take several minutes for your profile and all the applications to load. Note you may see different images/pop-ups.
Once authentication and desktop loading is complete, you will see an FIT campus computer desktop in your browser tab.
You will automatically be signed in and may begin using applications on the FIT Remote Labs computer.
Sign out when finished
When your class or session time has finished, please sign out properly to ensure the next student is able to access the computer. Follow the instructions, How to sign out of FIT Remote Labs.
A valid FIT Username and FIT Password is required to use FIT Computers. Access to FIT Computers is only available to current FIT Students, Staff, and Faculty. Need help with a password? Visit the Password Help Center.
Windows Computer
Hit Ctrl + Alt + Del as instructed if the login window is not displayed.
Enter your FIT Username and FIT Password in the corresponding fields. On shared office machines, you may have to select “Other user” before you can enter your FIT Username and FIT Password.
Hit Enter or Click Login.
Mac Computer
Enter your FIT Username and FIT Password in the corresponding fields.
Hit Enter.
Tech Tips
- Work saved on the desktop or local drive in the computer labs will be cleared when the computer is rebooted or you log off, this data cannot be restored.
- If the last user is still signed in, perform a hard restart by pressing and holding the power button until the computer shuts down, wait ten seconds, then restart it.
Always log off the computer when you are finished working.
To have computer or AV equipment removed from an office space an Inventory Control Form must be filled out. The form can be found on MyFIT by navigating to the MyFIT tab > Quick Links at the bottom of the page > Forms > Asset Management Forms > Inventory Control Form A [Computer and A/V Equipment].
- Fill out Form including the FIT property barcode number
- Have the Department head sign form
- Attach a copy to the equipment(s)
- Contact TechHelp and request removal of equipment by IT
- Keep equipment in a secure location until IT comes to remove the equipment
- Keep a copy of the form for your records